Shaving, Ancient Egypt

Hair removal 🪒 in Ancient Egypt was a gravely serious matter.

Priests in the 6th century BCE would have their entire bodies shaved every other day as part of the cleansing process (including their eyebrows), and kings 🤴🏽 would have their barbers shave them with jewel-encrusted razors.

T'zikal All Natural Haircare with ojon oil Discover Egyptian Shaving


Kings 🤴🏽 were even sometimes buried WITH a barber and a razor (yes, you read that right) so they could maintain their clean shave in the afterlife. In lieu of actual facial hair, kings would sport a faux goatee made of precious metals called an “osrid.”

Want more strange and wonderful ancient beauty ritual trivia? Discover here.

T'zikal All Natural Haircare with ojon oil Discover Egyptian Shaving

T'zikal All Natural Haircare with ojon oil Discover Egyptian Shaving