Chablé Resort & Spa, Chocholá, Yucatan, Mexico

When it comes to wellness travel, it is not always easy to find the perfect balance of ancient, earth-inspired health practices and absolute luxury.

Chablé, a shamanistic resort in the Yucatan, manages to do just that. Nestled into the lush jungle outside of Merida, the property consists of perfectly appointed casitas and two expansive villas, plus a chic spa built around a natural cenote where visitors can bathe and revive tired bodies in the healing springs.

Food is sourced from on-site Mayan organic gardens and prepared by a world-class chef. You will leave feeling both connected with nature and absurdly pampered – can you think of anything better?

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T'zikal All Natural Haircare with Ojon Oil Discover Secret Beauty Destination Cenote at Chable Yucatan