Halloween Hair

In the ghostly 👻 spirit of the day, here is a quick way to get a bangin’ vintage updo’ that will bring ANY costume to the next level.

A (or two) loose, front facing topknot is timelessly stylish and versatile enough to make sense with many different looks.
  1. First, use T’zikal Smooth Styling Hair Wax around the edges of your scalp, if needed. 
  2. Then, divide the top section of hair around your forehead and twirl it around back toward the crown so the front makes a pouffy swoosh and secure it with bobby pins. 
  3. Divide your remaining hair into 2 sections and roll on each side of your head, up and back behind the ears, also securing with bobby pins.

The result should be a style that has just the right amount of grace and edge.

Happy Halloween, from T’zikal!

Lookbook: DYI Styling Halloween Hair